Rain, wind, and a slight mix up with the address didn't stop us from delivering our message. In fact, even a scuffle with some discontented members of society made no difference. It took several officers of the NYPD to break up the disturbance. The Air France offices on East 50th and Third Avenue was yesterday's demo site. Praises for Friends of Animals United New Jersey (FAUN) under the able and tireless leadership of Anthony Botti.
Finally, the veil of secrecy was lifted; a dirty little known fact revealed. Air France-KLM is responsible for shipping thousands of primates to laboratories all over the world. So, the next time you fly Air France-KLM, it's no longer just a matter of chicken or beef. You might just be sitting above enumerable crates of captive and unfed animals on a one-way ticket to clinical hell.
And we all know what happens to those animals when they get to the laboratories. Some, including mice, are mercilessly overdosed with nicotine as in the case of Dr. Marina Picciotto of Yale University in her quest to be a noted scientist in the exhausted field of nicotine addiction. Some have holes drilled into their skulls and tubes inserted into their heads for whatever hideous reason that passes for science nowadays.
Air France is now wonderfully referred to as " Air Souffrance. "
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