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NJARA. New Jersey Bill A1669. Allows Bow & Arrow Hunting on Sundays. Seven Days of Death. March 2009.

I am cross-posting an alert from the New Jersey Animal Rights Alliance regarding a very disturbing move by hunters in New Jersey to rain death upon wild animals seven days a week. Even on the day reserved for worshipping our Lord, the hunters want to be able to kill an animal through a sport that has no redeeming societal value. Hunting is unproductive, dangerous to human population, and violent. You can help fight it today.

Here's a copy of the email I sent to the assemblymen:

March 9, 2009

Assemblyman Nelson T. Albano, Vice-Chair
Assemblyman John F. Amodeo
Assemblyman Herb Conaway

Dear Gentlemen:

I am writing to ask you to vote against A1669. Hunters already have six days of hunting. There is no justifiable reason to allow Sunday, a day of worship and rest, to become another killing day. This offends my sensibility, and disrespects the day of worship. You were put in office to have the power to maintain a civilized society without restricting many of our individual rights. However, hunting on Sundays is an abuse of those individual freedoms. Keep it civilized and respectful on Sundays. Please.



Monday, March 9

Dear Members and Supporters:At the end of last year, and only with your help, we managed to fight back legislation that would allow for the hunting of deer with bow and arrow on Sundays. That bill, A1669, is coming up for a vote in the Assembly Agriculture and Natural Resources committee on Thursday, March 12. A companion bill has already passed the Senate, so if A1669 passes the Assembly committee and moves onto the full Assembly, it goes right to Corzine's desk.

This is too close for comfort. The Assembly NEEDS to know how many people strongly oppose this bill. Please reach out to the following legislators and ask them to vote NO on A1669 when it comes before them in committee on Thursday. It doesn't matter if you are not in their district. They are on a committee hearing bills for the entire state, so your opinion counts.Let them know that you are watching this bill carefully and you do NOT want hunting on Sundays. The hunters have 6 days of killing. They need 7? The animals can't have 1 day of peace?

If this crazy bill passes, hikers, bird watchers, families, cyclists and others who enjoy the outdoors would not be able to go into the woods at all during the bow and arrow hunting season. If they do, they risk being shot with an arrow. This is insane.

We need to kill this bill.We need EVERYONE to work on this with NJARA this week. We'll be sending out daily email alerts with specific tasks for you to do on that day that will only take a few minutes.

For today, please do the following: MONDAY, MARCH 9, 2009 - Contact the Assembly Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee membersPolitely, but firmly, let them know of your opposition to A1669 and that you STRONGLY URGE THEM TO VOTE NO.

Assemblyman Nelson T. Albano, Vice-Chair

Assemblyman John F. Amodeo

Assemblyman Herb Conaway

Please forward this email to hiking or cycling clubs, or any others you know who enjoy the outdoors. If you have any questions, contact us at 732-446-6808.
New Jersey Animal Rights Alliance (NJARA)
Upholding and Advancing the Rights of Animals since 1983 through advocacy, public education and legislation

To financially support NJARA's work, please click here: Phone: 732-446-6808 / Web:

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Bookmark it today! [Be sure to enter New Jersey Animal Rights as your charity.]


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