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New Jersey. Bill S.802. A1669. Bow Hunting on Sundays. Call Gov. Corzine.

The following is a message from the USHS. Bill A1669 passed both houses of legislature in New Jersey. The governor can sign the bill or veto it. S.802 and A1669 are identical bills. We need to make the call and send the emails. I just got off the phone with the governor's office, and I said my piece. Stand up and be counted.


Despite calls and emails from animal advocates like you, the NewJersey legislature has just passed legislation (S. 802) which would allow bow hunting on Sundays for the first time in more than a century.

This bill has been sent to Governor Corzine for his signature.

We just have one last chance to stop it -- please take action TODAY! Hunters are already permitted to hunt six days a week, and the much larger population of hikers, horseback riders, birdwatchers, and other outdoor users should have one day of theweek to enjoy their activities in relative quiet and safety,even on their own property. Allowing hunting on Sundays willcreate more conflicts and tension among user groups, and will jeopardize the safety of people and animals.

TAKE ACTION Please make a brief, polite phone call to Governor Corzine at(609) 292-6000 to urge him to veto S. 802.

When making your call, you will likely speak to a staff memberwho will pass your message along to Governor Corzine. Please remember to be polite and professional, and leave your name and address so it is clear that you are a constituent.

You can say: "Hello, my name is [your name] and I'm calling from [your town]to urge Governor Corzine to veto S. 802, which would allow bowhunting on Sundays. Sunday hunting has been prohibited since colonial times and there is no reason to lift this prohibition. Thank you."

Then, please send a follow-up email to Governor Corzine in opposition to Sunday hunting: HERE.

And be sure to tell your friends and family in New Jersey howthey can take action too: HERE.

Thanks for all you do for animals.


Mike Markarian
Executive Vice President
The Humane Society of the United States


Anonymous said…
Thank you for this valuable information and I signed and passed it along. I will call him tomorrow too.
Anonymous said…
For the state to forbid any kind of activity on sunday is hypocritical of seperation of state and religion
Anonymous said…
Ive noticed that you censor blogs . I guess this is not an impartial medium .I will seek web sites with true communications.
Ted Teodoro said…
The line between the church and state is always blurred given the complexity of governing individuals. To expect it to be a clear cut line is to be unrealistic. For example, the state forbids us to kill anyone on Sundays. In fact, killing anyone is so offensive to our values and religious beliefs that it is forbidden on any day of the year. One might see murder as a legal matter, but laws are based on something, often on our moral values ( can't tell a lie; can't take what is not yours, etc.). In this case, taking someone’s life is a wrong because it is a sin. So, how do you deal with that? Is it hypocritical of the state to forbid you to take someone else’s life, a life that is valuable based on our religious and moral beliefs regardless of whether the victim is a bum or not?
The separation of church and state is great for polemics, but unrealistic otherwise.
Ted Teodoro said…
Jay: Well, I don’t know what you are trying to prove. Did you want me to hold you back, beg for you to stay? Go as you please, where you please. I don’t censor other people’s blogs. How could I? As for this blog, I don’t publish comments that are full of invective and unproductive arguments. If you are pro hunting, state your case intelligently and coherently.
Anonymous said…
Is it humane to let deer over populate and starve, cause automobile accidents and who knows what else. the deer population needs to be controlled and sunday hunting will help
Ted Teodoro said…

Thank you for commenting.

First of all, if you are concerned about an increase in vehicular accidents due to deer over population, you should look at the human side of the incident more carefully. I don’t know of any deer that would cross a road while on his cell phone, fidgeting with the radio and the gps, putting on make-up, cigarette in one hoof, and daydreaming with glaring lights on.

But, I do know of a species that does. It is the over population of this species that we should be concerned about instead. Humankind has not only encroached on the animals’ domain but trashed it as well.

I don’t know of any animal that would leave beer cans, plastic cups and bags, and food packaging in the woods and in waterways. We are not caretakers of the land, but takers. And we continue to take, reduce the land, corner them, and then declare an over population of deer because we’ve run into them.

The over population of deer is a myth, an urban legend that has conveniently landed on the laps of the hunting community. The tendency of an animal population is to reduce when their natural habitat is taken away from them. Some go extinct.

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