No. The Alaskan wolves are still in great danger from aerial hunting and a governor who would pay $150 for one of their forelegs so that she can hunt more moose ( wolves prey on moose). It's the wolves in the Northern Rockies and Greater Yellowstone area who are the beneficiaries of official changes at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS). Officials of the FWS say that they intend to abort the agency's plan to delist gray wolves in Greater Yellowstone and the Northern Rockies and place them back under federal protections. Now, that's a bit of great news.
The Defenders of Wildlife thanks everyone who helped enlighten the folks at FWS, folks who " finally bowed to reality by recognizing that there are serious scientific and legal problems with their plan for delisting wolves in Greater Yellowstone and the Northern Rockies. " The Defenders of Wildlife is asking all of us to continue the fight by sending a message to the FWS that a management program beneficial to the wolves must be put in place. You can help out by clicking HERE