It's my first transport, and I was pretty eager to get on with it. My ride took me from Montvale, New Jersey to Danbury, Connecticut, a distance of 60 miles and approximately an hour of driving. I took possession of Pharoh at the last rest stop on the Garden State Parkway North from a guy name Tony who drove up from Mount Holly, New Jersey, a drive of approximately 94 miles ( 1 hr. and 45 mins. ). At my destination, I handed off Pharoh to Katie who took Pharoh 123 miles ( 2 hrs ) to northern Massachusetts where Pharoh's new human companions picked him up and drove him to Vermont, covering another 136 miles. And, you can add our respective return trips to the overall mileage. Can you believe it? We did this for free, a purely altruistic endeavour, for Pharoh and the good people who decided to take him into their lives.
Oh, before I let you go, we let Pharoh out of his crate and walked him in Danbury and he was the most lovable, playful, funny, tumbling, little pookin dog! He rolled over several times for a tummy rub, and played catch with a plastic cup. Have a good life, sweetie!