Broomfield, Colorado. Society of Gynecological Oncologist. Animal Mutilation. Animal Cruelty. Pig Lab Cancelled.
Some good news. First, let it be said that I am as swift and decisive in bringing good news as bad news. the Society of Gynecological Oncologists planned a surgical meeting this week in Broomfield, Colorado which included a " Pig Lab " for August 7. What is a pig lab? Well, essentially, it's a lab session wherein surgical tools will be tried on innocent and unsuspecting pigs. I reckon the session was meant to show off the efficacy of the tools manufactured by Covidien Electrosurgery, the bio-medical company formerly known as ValleyLab. I will leave it up to your imagination what a gynecological society and a tools manufacturer can do the live and unwilling animals with their tools. Think mutilation.
Well, Farm Sanctuary has informed us the that Society of Gynecological Oncologists will forgo the Pig Lab experiments in reaction to the many phone calls and emails sent to them by our fellow animal lovers. The society, however, stated that the use of live animals to to demonstrate medical equipment is still legal. This is a small victory for animal rights, but a victory nevertheless. The Society of Gynecological Oncologists deserves some praise for their 180 degree turnaround on the Pig Lab.
Farm Sanctuary, the dedicated and tireless champion of farm animal rights that they are, would like to further pursue this issue with our respective legislators. Here is their webpage concerning this effort: