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S1848. Poaching Bill. New Jersey. Bob Smith. Jennifer Beck. APLNJ.

S1848  (Senators Bob Smith (D-17), Jennifer Beck (R-11) 
(Our top priority.)

As the Senate returns from summer holiday, Senator Smith will 
press his colleagues to pass S1848, the Poaching Bill. Once again, 
we are asking that you again contact your Senator to express your 
strong opposition to this cruel, irresponsible, and ecologically 
damaging measure.

The Poaching Bill (S1848) would expand the killing deer on 
forest stewardship and commercially logged lands by poaching 
methods long banned as unethical, unsporting, and unsafe.  

Methods include killing animals directly over bait, any time 
of day or night, the use of vehicles, and jacklighting, or 
stunning deer with strong lights. Under Pennsylvania anti-poaching
 laws, first-time offenders who jacklight deer at night face 
ninety days in jail.

The poaching practices will be permitted on stewardship lands, 
a significant portion of which are leased by hunting clubs and 
managed for "trophy bucks" and increased deer reproduction, 
and on commercially logged public lands. Logging increases 
deer reproduction.

Wildlife protectionists derailed this bill last session. This year, 
Senator Smith, shooting and timber industry trade lobbies, 
and their partner, New Jersey Audubon, are determined to 
force it through, likely at the beginning of the fall session, 
or soon thereafter.

Humanitarians must keep up the pressure until this legislation 
is soundly defeated. The Poaching Bill S1848 is linked to 
Senator Smith's Commercial Logging Bill, S1085. We must 
oppose both. 


Under Pennsylvania anti-poaching laws, jacklighters face ninety 
days in jail. In New Jersey, Senator Smith is promoting jacklighting.

S1085 will allow commercial logging of state forests, primarily 
for timber and to increase populations of "game" birds. As noted 
by forty New Jersey forest scientists, the logging bill will "grow 
the deer herd even more." 

Promoters of the commercial logging bill are seeking to destroy 
resultant deer by the above, egregious methods. See APLNJ's 
op-eds on the poaching and commercial logging bills:

Logging Bill is About Hunting 
Logging in New Jersey forests would grow deer population 

Aside from the abject cruelty of S1848, the bill is ecologically 
damaging. In multiple studies, baiting deer causes changes in 
tree species composition and retarded forest regeneration 
by concentrating deer that continue to feed on natural browse.[i]

In Eastern deciduous forests, ground-nesting birds were less 
abundant in baiting areas. Baiting attracts and concentrates
coyotes, raccoons, and opossums near ground-nesting birds.[ii] 
Baiting increases deer-auto collisions. 

There is no public demand for either bill. An estimated 
seventy-three percent of Americans disapprove of baiting. [iii] 
Baiting deer is prohibited in 26 states or parts thereof. In recent 
years, Connecticut, Illinois, Michigan, New Hampshire, Vermont, 
Wisconsin and Wyoming have moved in this direction.[iv] In 
New Jersey, trade associations and associated legislators are 
promoting de-regulation and baiting to reverse hunter decline. 


Ask your state Senator to oppose the Poaching Bill, S1848, on 
humanitarian, ethical, ecological and safety grounds. Let your 
Senator knows that you are a constituent and are watching 
this legislation.

Poaching Bill: In addition to reaching out to your district Senator, 
please make a special effort to contact members of the Energy 
and Environment Committee as noted on the on the contact list 

Ask your Senator to oppose the related commercial logging bill, 
S1085. There is no public demand for commercial logging of our 
precious state forests. S1085 is a narrow, special interest bill 
for "game" species and timber for which there is no market. 
S1085 has passed the Senate and has been referred to the pro-hunt 
Assembly Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee. 

For your convenience, we have listed all Senators' e-mail and 
phone contacts. A follow-up e-mail to your Senator will ensure 
that he or she is aware of your opposition. Please forward any 
news on your Senator's position to APLNJ office at

S1848 and S1085 affect everyone's wildlife and public land. 
Neither is the private property of "partnered" trade and a 
conservation group, but a public trust. Protect that trust, 
through action.  

Susan Russell 
Wildlife Policy Specialist 
Animal Protection League of New Jersey


District 1: Senator Jeff Van Drew  (609) 465-0700
Senator Jim Whelan (609) 383-1388  
District 3: Senator Stephen M. Sweeney, Senate President (856) 251-9801  
District 4: Senator Fred H. Madden (856) 232-6700
District 5: Senator Donald Norcross (856) 742-7600
District 6: Senator James Beach (856) 429-1572
District 7: Senator Diane B. Allen (609) 239-2800
District 8: Senator Dawn Marie Addiego (609) 654-1498
District 9: Senator Christopher J. Connors (609) 693-6700
District 10: Senator James Holzapfel (732) 840-9028
Senator Jennifer Beck (732) 933-1591
District 12: Senator Samuel Thompson (732) 607-7580
District 13: Senator Joseph M. Kyrillos, Jr. (732) 671-3206
Senator Linda R. Greenstein (609) 395-9911
District 15: Senator Shirley K. Turner (609) 530-3277
Senator Christopher "Kip" Bateman (908) 526-3600
Senator Bob Smith (732) 752-0770
District 18: Senator Barbara Buono (732) 205-1372
District 19: Senator Joseph F. Vitale (732) 855-7441
District 20: Senator Raymond J. Lesniak (908) 624-0880
District 21: Senator Tom Kean (908) 232-3673
District 22: Senator Nicholas P. Scutari (908) 587-0404  
District 23: Senator Michael J. Doherty (908) 835-0552
District 24: Senator Steven V. Oroho (973) 584-4670
District 25: Senator Anthony R. Bucco (973) 627-9700
District 26: Senator Joseph Pennacchio (973) 227-4012
District 27: Senator Richard J. Codey (973) 731-6770
District 28: Senator Ronald L. Rice (973) 371-5665
District 29: Senator M. Teresa Ruiz (973) 484-1000
District 30: Senator Robert W. Singer (732) 901-0702
District 31: Senator Sandra B. Cunningham (201) 451-5100
District 32: Senator Nicholas J. Sacco (201) 295-0200
District 33: Senator Brian P. Stack (201) 861-5091
District 34: Senator Nia H. Gill (973) 509-0388
District 35: Senator Nellie Pou (973) 247-1555
District 36: Senator Paul A. Sarlo (201) 804-8118
District 37: Senator Loretta Weinberg (201) 928-0100
District 38: Senator Robert M. Gordon (201) 703-9779
District 39: Senator Gerald Cardinale (201) 567-2324
District 40: Senator Kevin J. O'Toole (973) 237-1360

Animal Protection League of New Jersey
PO Box 174
Englishtown, New Jersey 07726-0174

[i] Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural 
Resources, "Alabama Baiting Committee Report," 
11 Dec 2011, 6. 

[ii] Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural 
Resources, 6.

[iii] Responsive Management/National Shooting Sports 
Foundation, "The Future of Hunting and the Shooting 
Sports: Research-Based Recruitment and Retention 
Strategies." Produced for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife 
Service under Grant Agreement CT-M-6-0. Harrisonburg, 
VA, 2008.

[iv] Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources,
 "Alabama Baiting Committee Report," 11 Dec 2011, 3. (Accessed September 17, 2012)


Dump State Senator Jennifer Beck said…
State Senator Jennifer Beck is more interested in killing innocent deer by "baiting" methods, than she is on killing corrupt activities that emanate from her district.

She has refused to call for an independent investigation involving her friend who used fraud and deception to enable a high-ranking Monmouth County Sheriff's Officer to obtain both a pension and taxpayer funded salary. You read and you decide.

Dump State Senator Jennifer Beck

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