Vilsack for Agriculture. Salazar for the Interior. Obama's Choices for the Farms and Animals and the Land.
The word is out. It's former Iowa Gov. Tom Vilsack (photo) for Agriculture Secretary and U.S. Sen. Ken Salazar from Colorado for Interior Secretary. I think that Gov. Vilsack doesn't raise any red flags among animal lovers, but Sen. Salazar does. Okay, he's a mixed bag which I think is what happens to you if you want to survive in Washington. For example, in 2005, Salazar opposed legislation to ban horse slaughter. This year, he co-sponsored legislation to strengthen the penalties for animal fighting plus signed a letter requesting more funds for the adequate enforcement of animal welfare laws. What are we to think of this? In Defense of Animals (IDA) recommended Rep. Raul M Grijalva (D-AZ) for the post, arguing that Rep. Grijalva has a 100% record on animal issues. IDA further claimed that while Chairman of the Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests and Public Lands, Grijalva was " instrumental in advancing fair and balanced use of federal parks, recreational areas, and public lands with ranching, hunting, mining and oil interests." Rep. Grijalva has also been described as " a champion of all wildlife and companion animals." Sounds like a good man to me, but good people sometimes do not finish in first place ( not to say that Sen. Salazar is evil! ).
The President-Elect has made his decision, and we can only hope that Sen. Salazar does not disappoint.
The President-Elect has made his decision, and we can only hope that Sen. Salazar does not disappoint.