A heads-up from In Defense of Animals came in via email. It seems that the people at the airport are still at it. But, now, they have to answer more pointed questions. The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey's Board of Commissioners ( Yes, their very own ) has demanded that Port Authority and JFK Airport staff explain on Thursday why the agency is continuing to round up feral cats at JFK Airport. Furthermore, the board would also like to know why they continue to refuse offers of assistance from the NYC Feral Cat Initiative to implement a humane Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) program. Sounds like a bunch of out of control people out there at the airport who won't listen even to their own higher-ups.
What: Rally for feral cats at JFK Airport
When: Thursday, July 24th - 11:45 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Where: Port Authority Headquarters in Union Square,
225 Park Avenue South, (between 18th & 19th St.), New York City
It would be worth it to bring back Ronald Regan so he can fire them like he did the air traffic controllers union.