Some of you may not know that a bill was introduced by NYC Council Member Tony Avella to ban horse-drawn carriages in New York City. Great. Everytime I am around the Central Park area, I see these horses mix it up with vehicular traffic and they don't seem to get enough warmth in the winter and enough shade in the summer. Has anybody ever figure out how heavy the carriage is plus four passengers and a driver? And you've got one horse to pull all that weight in harsh weather? Yeah, yeah...it's romantic and a throwback to the genteel ways of the victorian era. However, if you need a carriage ride to fall in love with each other, then maybe you need to consider your options. Like, look for another partner! Get a cab, and leave the horses alone. I do remember a report in the news about a carriage owner bribing an inspector to look away during an inspection of the stables. The horses are not kept in barns but in cramp stalls in an old building on the west side. Unfortunately for the carriage owner, the inspector turned out to be an under cover cop.
Film maker Donald Moss put together " Blinders. " This is a critical look at this supposedly cherished NYC tradition. It's 52 minutes long. There's a trailer on YouTube:
There's a showing on Friday, June 6, 7:00pm in New Brunswick, New Jersey:
Rutgers University Scott Hall #12343 College Avenue (Near the corner of College Avenue and Hamilton Street), College Avenue Campus
Admission:$10=General; $9=Students+Seniors; $8=Rutgers Film Co-op/NJMAC Friends.All films are subject to change. Call our information number (below) the week of the show to confirm titles.Tickets are available on a "first-come-first-served" basis only and can be purchased at the door beginning a half-hour before the start time.
Directions:Take the NJ Turnpike to Exit 9 and then take Route 18N (New Brunswick direction) and go for 2-1/2 miles to the Rutgers University/George Street exit (immediately after the Route 27S exit; don't take the earlier George Street exit) and make a left at the light at the end of the exit ramp onto George Street, then go to the next light and make a right onto Hamilton Street, then go to the next light and make a right onto College Avenue. Almost immediately on your right hand side there is an University Parking Lot (#9) which is made available for our patrons to park in. Scott Hall is adjacent to the parking lot on the right. Patrons can also park in Rutgers Lots #1 (next to Kirkpatrick Chapel) and #16 (next to Murray Hall).
Information: Rutgers Film Co-Op/New Jersey Media Arts CenterRutgers University Program in Cinema Studies72 Lipman Drive (#018 Loree Hall - Douglass Campus)New Brunswick, New Jersey, 08901-8525 U.S.A.(732) 932-8482 phone; (732) 932-1935 fax; NJMAC@aol.com e-mail; Web Site: www.njfilmfest.com
Carriage Accidents:
Here's another link for you: http://banhdc.org/ Join and chip in!
Some will be shocked by the realization that this seemingly harmless diversion is in fact anything but harmless. Too many horses have died. Let's work on banning this industry. When more people find out how it operates, they will be calling their lawmakers and telling them to support the ban proposed by Tony Avella.
Location : Grand Army Plaza, 5th Ave, New York, NY 10001
When: November 1st 2008. Sat 7:00 PM
Please join NYC Animal Rights as we hold a peaceful demo against the horse carriage industry. We will hold signs and show a slide show of the abuse. More info to follow.
We will be on Fifth Avenue and Central Park South
Thank you for your support
The New York City Animal Rights Meetup Group
Please see below video clips of the cruelty.