I am cross-posting Claudia Emerson's email to members of the New Jersey Animal Rights Alliance ( NJARA) regarding our old nemesis, the Saddest Show on Earth, Ringling Barnum & Bailey Circus...Her email speaks for itself. Thank you 101.5 FM for your featuring this story!
Hi all,
Please let me know if you are able to help with any demo this weekend, investigation or the elephant walk. If you can take a FEW MINUTES, it is very IMPORTANT to make a comment and thank 101.5FM Radio for posting the story about Ringling being caught on tape for abusing elephants. Support the story by making a comment after watching the VIDEO to speak out for the elephants. More support means this station and other media will take animal abuse seriously. I wrote a long comment, but a couple sentences is all you need to show your support. Most media will not stand up to Ringling or even care about animal abuse, but this station was not afraid to post the story.
Ringling is truly the "Darkest Show of All", continuing to deceive families, and children of their long list of animal abuse. Not only is Ringling in a lawsuit, by the largest protection group in the U.S. (ASPCA), but includes former employee Tom Rider. You can tell 101.5FM how Tom worked there for 2.5 years and saw the elephant abuse first hand. Ringling also denies elephant abuse, but the video shown caught them doing it, and CLEARLY shows the trainer (Troy Metzler) hooking the elephant in the face twice near her eye, and beating her on the leg thus disputing that they love their animals. They use negative reinforcement on a daily basis inflicted on these endangered species, it is not positive reinforcement. The elephants live in terror, fear, and loneliness. If Ringling used positive reinforcement to train the elephants and tigers, then Ringling would throw away the bullhooks (like a firepoker), use treats and peanuts to train them, and would throw away the whips and choking collars used on the tigers.
Let me know if you have any media contacts whether TV, Radio, Newspaper, Website, School, I would like to continue to get this video out to help educate others about Ringling's mistreatment of the elephants.
Here is 101.5's story:
Also there is a super vegetarian restaurant across the street from the arena that serves excellent food and where I will be in between demos.