Cross-posting a message from the New Jersey Animal Rights Alliance
Dear Members and Supporters:
Thank you to everyone who wrote, called, e-mailed, faxed and spoke out on behalf of animals and people regarding the Sunday bowhunting bill (S802/A1669).
The Office of Legislative Services told us today that the bill is still on the Governor's desk and he has not contacted them for a signing. If the Governor does not sign this bill by April 30, he will be given an extension until the Senate comes back on May 4, 2009. If he does not sign it at all, it automatically becomes law. He MUST veto it.
ALL of our members, supporters, friends, and associates need to call the governor's office every day to make sure our voices are heard loud and clear.
1. Ask him to veto the Sunday bowhunting bill (S802/A1669). Ask him to say NO to Sunday hunting!
2. Ask everyone you know to call as well. This legislation effects both people and animals.
For more information, please feel free to contact me at
Angi Metler, Executive Director
New Jersey Animal Rights Alliance (NJARA)
Upholding and Advancing the Rights of Animals since 1983 through advocacy, public education and legislation.
To financially support NJARA's work, please click here:
Phone: 732-446-6808 / Web:
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