Take action online at http://www.savewolves.org/alaska
The Defenders of Wildlife (DOW) have called out to all people for support and financial assistance in their fight to save the wolves of America. They need your support to prevent the killing of hundreds of wolves in Idaho and Wyoming and ensure a healthy future for American wolves. The Yellowstone Wolf Legal Defense Fund needs $60,000 and you can make a donation of any amount HERE .
American wolves are in very great danger in several states. The Defenders of Wildlife tells us that in Alaska " state officials continue to allow airborne gunners to kill hundreds of wolves. Easy targets against the snow, hundreds of wolves have been shot from above or chased to exhaustion and then killed by aerial gunners who land and execute them at point-blank range. "
In the Northern Rockies, the Defenders of Wildlife tells us that " the federal government has put forth a proposal that could lead to the slaughter of hundreds of wolves in Idaho and Wyoming. Even Yellowstone wolves could be shot on site if they wander outside the park's boundaries! "
I have already sent in my donation. It's your turn now. Remember, they do the hard work. We support them with our donations. Make this world a better place. At the very least, go to the Defenders of Wildlife website and send a pre-written letter of support to your government representative.