Our very own New Jersey SPCA issued a bulletin pertaining to a rottweiler who was shot and killed in Warren County on or around February 2, 2009. Where the dog was actually killed is not known, but someone was seen throwing a dog from a vehicle on the long driveway approaching the Antler Ridge Wildlife Sanctuary
in Frelinghuysen, N.J. Upon examination, it was found that the dog had been shot twice. The dog is estimated to be five years old. The Humane Society of the United States is offering a reward of up to $2,500 for any information leading to the identification, arrest and conviction of the person or persons responsible for this murder. Yes, I called it murder. Anyone with information about the case is asked to call NJSPCA's animal cruelty hotline at 1-800-582-5979.
in Frelinghuysen, N.J. Upon examination, it was found that the dog had been shot twice. The dog is estimated to be five years old. The Humane Society of the United States is offering a reward of up to $2,500 for any information leading to the identification, arrest and conviction of the person or persons responsible for this murder. Yes, I called it murder. Anyone with information about the case is asked to call NJSPCA's animal cruelty hotline at 1-800-582-5979.
If this dog was five years old, then it had been seen or known by many people in the Warren County area. There must be people out there who knew this dog and its owner. They didn't live in a vacuum. It's just a matter of getting the word around. There's even a big cash reward for those who will provide solid information. The New Jersey SPCA is offering an additional $250 reward.