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New Jersey. Woodland Park. Garrett Mountain (NJ) Deer Hunt Protest

I am crossposting an alert from the Animal Protection League of New Jersey. Demonstrators needed on Saturday, January 9, 2009.


Please join us for the Garrett Mountain Deer Bowhunt Protest! We know this is last minute, but we just found out and are trying desperately to save these beautiful, gentle animals. These deer come right up to your car when you drive in the reserve! Will you help us?

Please re-arrange your Saturday accordingly – this is so important! If you live in NJ, please attend this protest. The NY people will speak out against fur with me at Saks, but I know that we have enough dedicated activists to be in both locations. Time is of the essence and we couldn't wait another day to schedule it. The deer need a big turnout. – Julie, Caring Activists Against Fur PLEASE CROSS-POST

When: Saturday 1/9/10 GATHER 12:30 pm at parking location - 3 Garrett Mountain Plaza (directions below)
Protest: directly across from Mina's on the Mountain Restaurant, 140 Rifle Camp Road, Woodland Park, NJ. 1pm – 2:30pm
Point Person/Contact for protest: Merrilee / day of cell # is 917-817-0340

Parking is not near the protest site – we will shuttle people over, so PLEASE come on time so we can be effective! The protest site is located directly across from Mina's on the Mountain Restaurant, 140 Rifle Camp Road, Woodland Park. If you use Google maps, you'll see how close these locations are, but a little far to walk for some, especially in the cold.

Directions: The parking address is 3 Garrett Mountain Plaza, Woodland Park. Take Rte. 80 West to the Squirrelwood Road Exit 56B, Woodland Park (aka West Paterson). Bear left at the STOP sign and turn left. You will pass over Rte. 80, go straight through one traffic light (at Jackson), see Lukoil gas station on left. IMMEDIATELY after Lukoil station turn left into 3 Garret Mountain. The sign actually reads "3 Garret Mountain Plaza 5". At the stop sign turn right, and drive to the end of the parking area near the black and white building, #3, and park in the last parking area on your right. We will be there beginning at around 12.30, and the cell phone to call should they not be able to find us, or to call for a pick-up from the parking area is 917-817-0340. Demonstrators may feel free to bring their own signs - we will have a dozen or so. As we always say, DRESS WARM - it's going to be frigid out there. I'll have hand warmers! More Location or Detail Questions? Point Person/Contact for protest: Merrilee / day of cell # is 917-817-0340

Background: A bowhunt of the Garrett Mountain Reservation & Rifle Camp Park deer is planned in Passaic Co., NJ. Through connections, we believe that they will try to sneak the start of the hunt for this Friday! They plan to continue through February. This proposal must come from the surrounding towns (Woodland Park) and the Passaic Board of Chosen Freeholders on which the Woodland Park Mayor currently holds a position. According to the paper, it was also the Mayor who pushed this! We need your emails and calls as well as going to the protest. We might have time to stop this! There is a new approved deer contraceptive - GonaCon - and it should be used!

Wherever you live, ASAP, PLEASE contact the following 4 people who voted for the hunt and have the power to stop it:

1. Freeholder Terry Duffy - 973-881-4537
2. Freeholder (and Mayor) Pat Lepore - 973-881-4536
3. Freeholder Bruce James - 973-881-7896
4. Freeholder Greyson Hannigan 973-225-5427
5. Woodland Park Council Members:,,,,

Contact me for an example of a letter you can send. – Julie,


Unknown said…
*** STOP *** WAIT *** INNOCULATE ***




WE THE PEOPLE...who love the deer are holding a Second PROTEST against Deer Hunt: Monday, Jan 11, 2010 at 2:00 pm, Bring your own
signs, Location: Essex County Satellite Office 560 Northfield Ave., West Orange, NJ. background info: -- Stop the continuing Slaughter of Essex County deer - endangering the people, pets, wildlife and environments of South Mountain, Eagle Rock and Hilltop Reservations.BECAUSE HUNTING IS NO PLACE FOR COUNTY RESERVES AND PARKS!
Ted Teodoro said…
Hi M! I sent the email about the Essex County demo to Merrilee last night. I intend to go and maybe I'll see you there. I'm the one who gave you a ride up the hill yesterday. I just posted a comment on the Bergen Record article about the Passaic Co. hunt. GonaCon contraceptive is the humane way.
Anonymous said…
im so sad and sick about this... i live right on rifle camp road i have been visiting this park every morning since my son was an infant 6 yrs ago. We drive through the park on our way to the babysitters house. It was out little ritual every day to say good morning to the "deer in park" as my son calls the park. Its a ritual we now share with his new brother. Its such a disgrace that this is being allowed, I cant bear to even think of those lovely deet being slaughted to death right in my backyard....terrible.
Unknown said…
18 hunters and only 5 deer? Someone is lying. How much to buy you guys? Nice to know that our elected fearless leaders "are good for their word" that's called integrity boys, nice to know they value human safety to - oh that's right, NO notice to residents - way to go guys! I can't think of anyone I would want to vote for ... can you?

These woods were destroyed by drought and to blame deer for this and to brutally murder them for nature's actions is criminal. Get the facts before you slaughter. If they would do this to animals with no notice to the local residents what other sneaky things will they do to you as tax payers? If you cannot be trusted with little, you most certainly cannot be trusted with much. Shame on you and one day when someone else is sitting in your seat and you are out in the cold - dont even bother to ask yourself why. Just look back on your careers and your lives because you will have to account for it some day and we are going to stand against you as witnesses to your lack of integrity.
Ted Teodoro said…
Yeah, five deer for a full day's hunt? Either they are not telling the truth about how many they killed or there is no deer over population. Those five deer might be the last deer in the area. I'd say there is an over population of hunters instead. No word from Codey or Corzine about stopping these hunts.
Anonymous said…
This deer hunt stinks and the stench of the freeholders' decision has reached the nostrils of decent citizens and taxpayers. Freeholders, Trenton and Woodland Park Mayor are clearly short on facts and long on innuendoes. Decisions were made top-down, no input, and another disaster for New Jersey wildlife.The freeholders who voted for the bowhunt are being applauded on Bowhunter websites who are touting this slaughter as a victory.I wonder if they (freeholders)believe Passaic County residents are proud of this?
Unknown said…
I find it extremely appalling that the Freeholders have not responded to anyone inquiring to know the facts. Do they think they will break the law and get away with it forever? How about squander tax payer dollars to slaughter innocent deer that citizens do not even support? In THIS econony its mind boggling to see them get away with murder and stealing to pay for something WE dont even support or want.
Unknown said…
RALLY!! for the Deer of Garret Mountain: Stop Passaic Co. Freeholders’ Misuse of our Taxes to Fund Cruel Bow Hunt!

Where: Across from Mina’s on the Mountain at 140 Rifle Camp Road, Woodland Pk, NJ
Date: Sunday, January 17th
Time: 1:00pm - 2:30pm.

Note: As the protest grows, a 2nd location to double our impact is a strong possibility. Help us reach more people! Please show up, dress warm & bring umbrellas. Rain or shine! Our fight for the deer and transparency in government will not be stopped. K.L.I.P. (Keep Life In the Park)

Updated Parking Information: Parking area of Zaccaria Memorial Park which is next to Bromilow Chocolate, 350 Rifle Camp Road, Woodland Park, NJ 07424 – walk down Rifle Camp Road or park at 3 Garret Road (like the 1st protest). If you need a shuttle to rally from parking areas, please call Merrilee 917-817-0340 questions? for K.L.I.P. (Keep Life In the Parks).
Ted Teodoro said…
Oh my, I will be in Philadelphia on Sunday and Monday.
Unknown said…
Then please spread the word to your contacts as best you can. I'll be sure to take pictures again. We will vigilantly continue to speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves and Protect the rights of all who are helpless. Proverbs 31:8
Unknown said…
We went to Rifle Camp Park today and saw the blood stains on the pavement in the parking lot by the camp ground where the boyscouts camp. This is very inhumane on the deer as well as those of us who know and love them.
Unknown said…
Local residents and concerned citizens stood in the bitter cold and rain with their signs protesting/rallying to save the deer on Sunday. The love and outcry to support the deer is growing rapidly the old and the young are keeping the vigil to stop the brutal murder of our precious gentle deer by bow and arrow without public input and still not notices of these hunts posted anywhere too alert the public these hunts are taking place so as to protect the public. Neither the lives of our deer nor public safety are a priority for the elected officials - as well as accountability and proof to support their savage slaughter has been provided - not one ounce of proof has been provided to support their merciless vicious killings against the public will!
Ted Teodoro said…
Neither rain nor cold can keep the compassionate away. It must have been a great site. I was thinking of you guys while I was in Philadelphia. God Bless...
Unknown said…
It was bitter cold and rainning but old and young were there keeping the vigil and burning the midnight oil. We will continue to do so until this terrible injustice ends.
Unknown said…
Ever since they started the bow slaughter of the deer in these two parks injured deer have been seen running through the woods, blood trails are found, and dead deer have been found in the woods by hikers. The elected officials promised this slaughter would take place in a controlled environment and this sort of thing would never happen they swore. In addition to their countless lies this just adds to their track record. Countless extremely concerned local citizens are still opposing the decision to bow hunt the deer as to date there still have been no expert reports provided to substantiate deer count numbers erroneously stated, no expert reports of ecological damages allegedly caused by the deer have been provided despite several requests made, in fact the answers were "we have no reports to give you as none were conducted". And yet people insist on quoting numbers and damages that have never been substantiated. How many more babies have to die before they stop the slaughter which came about from HEARSAY? Oh, and did we mention its costed over $100,000.00 to date to have this deer slaugher? $20,000.00 to pay the Bow Hunters Assn. and an approx. $20,000.00 per day to the police dept. each day the parks are closed? Yep! Hard to believe for a county whose crying for lack of funds for the pension fund. When it only costs approx. $400.00 per deer to innoculate/sterilize the males (since we have more does and less males). Do the math. It just does not add up. Cheaper to innoculate / more expensive to Slaughter. Not very just is it? :(
Unknown said…
Unknown said…
PROTEST Fri. Jan. 29th - people on their way to work & school will see you out there & realize there is a hunt in their backyard! (will only occur if a hunt is taking place on Fri. - which we believe it is.)
7:30 AM Fri. Jan. 29th
Mountain Avenue front gate at the top of the hill of Garret Mountain Reserve (Please Bring Your Own Signs!)
Unknown said…
The Friends of Garret Mountain and the "naturalists" whoever the heck "they" are cited 300 deer, the NJ Bow Hunters Association (who have much to gain as they are being PAID to slaughter the deer) cited 400-600 deer (even though they have no proof, no head count done to substantiate these numbers) and then there are the people who actually GO to the parks and know the deer numbers are no more than 200 combined between both parks. Either way no proof has been provided by our lovely elected officials none provided TO THEM either before they made the decision to slaughter all of the deer. The 400-600 deer number came from people who dont know this park, never attended the park, and are being PAID to hunt there. End of Story.
Unknown said…
PROTEST -- Rally for the Deer of Garret Mountain: When: Sunday, February 7th, 1:00 - 2:30pm, Location: Styertowne Shopping Plaza, 1051 Bloomfield Avenue, Clifton, 07012 Please call Merrilee 917-817-0340 if you have questions or email Keep Life in the Park email:

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