" Harlan, founded in 1931, is a major international company with locations throughout the world, including the USA, Spain, Germany, Italy, France, Israel, The Netherlands, Mexico and the UK. It is a breeder and supplier of animals, animal diets and bedding for the research industry. Harlan UK Ltd. is the British arm of the parent company, Harlan Sprague Dawley Inc. The UK company has an annual turnover of £6.6 million.
According to the company's sales brochure it supplies more stocks and strains of laboratory animals to research than any other commercial producer in the world. Nine species (beagles, marmosets, rabbits, guinea pigs, rats, mice, gerbils, cats and hamsters) and over 225 stocks and strains of laboratory animals (including hybrid, mutant and transgenic animals) are produced. Harlan UK claim to have customers across 30 countries which include pharmaceutical and biotech companies, universities, and government agencies.
In recent years Harlan UK has expanded its services to offer a veritable supermarket of biological products including monoclonal antibodies, laboratory animal sera, plasma, whole blood, organs, glands and tissues. It also offers other services such as surgically altered animals, diagnostic services, health screening, genetic monitoring and contract services. " Quoted from BUAV.
The Lab Animals Buyers Guide listed Harlan UK at :
Harlan UK, Ltd. Shaw's Farm
Blackthorn, Bicester, Oxon OX6 OTP UK
Phone: +44 1869 243241 Fax: +44 1869 246759
Phone: +44 1869 243241 Fax: +44 1869 246759
Email: orders@harlan.com
The British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection (BUAV), exposed Harlan UK's merciless operations in an undercover investigation. Take a look at what goes on behind closed doors. Take a look at dogs who were born, raised, and killed without even experiencing a tiny bit of freedom. You have to know that this brand of cruelty exists in business. There is just so much to say that it is better to go to the investigation website. Read about Harlan UK here: