Euthanasia is suppose to be merciful. When William Baber had his way, it was far from it. Baber used the very cruel " heart stick " method minus the sedation. This means that the animals could spend as long as 30 agonizing minutes before death actually occurred. Undercover video showed that William Baber even stepped on the animals to immobilize them for the injection. Do I sound like I am describing an executioner and not a veterinarian? Very sad, isn't it? The video showed dogs’ tails visibly wagging and cats are flailing before they’re given the lethal injection . "It’s just a horrible, horrible way for an animal to die,” said former euthanasia technician June McMahon. reported that " still conscious, the cats were described by inmates as 'going wild' after being placed in a container, with as many as 10-15 of them being dumped on top of each other in a 'cruel manner,' authorities allege.These animals were allegedly placed ...
This reporter did a nice story on Tara and Bella, the elephant-dog friendship at the Elephant Sanctuary.
I've had people point to the bible for their justification of meat-eating (I guess I'm not the Christian they are since I'm unsure of where this passage exists!) While I respect people's choices, it is morally reprehensible the conditions animals are raised, transported and slaughtered in so the masses can have the cheapest milk, meat and eggs at every single meal (while people throw 25 percent of their food in the garbage). Where is the respect for life and those who give their lives for a meal?
I actually used the Bible, particularly Christ's life, to push for a no meat lifestyle. I will continue to ask people for a citation in any gospel where Christ was portrayed as eating meat. Considering that there were ample opportunities to portray Christ as a meat-eater yet there are none convinces me that Christ must have been a vegetarian.
People will interpret the Bible in many different ways, like I do, and usually towards their very own agenda.
But, frankly, who could take seriously a book that includes a talking snake, a virgin who gives birth, and a God who threatens you with punishment if you don't do what pleases him?
I am not a believer at all. I just go along and use religion against the religious!