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Consumer Reviews. Bloomingdale Animal Shelter. Truth in Commenting.

I have been trying to find dogs for two of my office mates who have come to a point in their lives where they are ready to take in a pet. I am not surprised that they are opting to adopt rather than buy a pet. Library people tend to be au courant with the latest " right thing to do and say. " This is true not only in terms of the environment, personal conduct, gender equality, sexual preference, but also with animal welfare. Well, not everybody here...but most of us are liberal-minded.

Unfortunately, none of our dogs at the shelter fit their requirements except for one. And that dog isn't even a perfect fit. I am now helping them find a dog in the tristate area, volunteered to drive them to any far-off place because it will mean finding happy homes for a couple of homeless dogs. While in the process, I came upon a website that contained user reviews on almost any consumer goods or services out there. There were seven reviews on Bloomingdale Animal Shelter Society, all good except for one that was posted just the end of last month. The reviewer warned the public to be wary of us, that we play egotistical games, that some volunteers enjoy power trips, that we play with people's hearts. It sounds like the person was adopting a cat, and she was denied.

Well, I don't know much about what goes on at the cattery since I am always at the doghouse. The most I do for the cats is to stick my finger through the outside wire fence so the cats can rub against it. They enjoy the tingling sensation along their ribs. They do number eights so both sides get a fair massage.

To be circumspect, or perhaps totally cynical, I can't trust a bad review as well as a good one. I don't know who is behind the good ones, and it is not being paranoid or unreasonably distrustful to say that perhaps some people close to the shelter have been posting self-serving reviews. And the people who submit negative reviews, on the other hand, have an axe to grind, reasons totally unrelated to animal adoption.

I mean, how many times have you seen a restaurant get several awful reviews, but your own dining experience has been pleasurable! And the reverse is true as well. Life is treacherous.

Anyway, the reviews didn't deny that we care for our animals and signs of animal abuse nonexistent. I can attest to that. No dogs are abused or humiliated at the shelter. We don't hit the dogs nor drag them in or out of their cages. In the nearly three years of volunteering at Bloomingdale, I haven't seen or known a situation where a dog was punished for doing something displeasing, like pooing or peeing in his/her bed or kennel a second time. In that case, we just walk the dog again so volunteers can clean up the space, put in a fresh blanket, and take it from there. We stoically deal with the matter because, at the shelter, shit actually happens and often. No need to get riled up or seek revenge on the poor dog.


air said…
She was probably denied for another reason that she "so convienently" forgot to mention in her review.

Besides, how is the dog search for your friends?
Ted Teodoro said…
Well, the search has been hampered by quick adoption rates. Our dogs from Kentucky were adopted out even before they arrived at the shelter, and new batches are going quickly as well. These dogs were rescued from the gas chambers down there. The small ones go quickly and that's the one, non-negotiable requirement of my two friends. They live in NYC apartments. They have also applied for dogs at other shelters, but once again the dogs have been adopted out. This is good news in general although it runs contrary to our specific mission.
air said…
OK, well let me know. My CEO just adopted two little dogs from a friend of his that does rescue from the south. A chiuhauha and a mini pin. Really cute. In fact, they are here at the office today. His friend is going to rescue more. Tomorrow they will be my picture of the day.
Ted Teodoro said…
Ok, you can also email the photos to me, presale viewing.

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