Sen. Zubiri's Privilege Speech to the Senate of the Philippines. Calls for Action. Animal Welfare and the Protection of Philippine Wildlife.
Here's the full text of Sen. Zubiri's speech to the Senate delivered on 27 February 2008. Thanks to Josef Sagemuller for providing the text. The senator's staff have been in touch with the Wild Bird Club of the Philippines and the e-group formed by Mr. Sagemuller after he initiated his now well-known petition to stop the killing of Philippine wildlife.
Pictured here is Senator Zubri and Senator Pimental together with and several members of the Wild Bird Club of the Philippines.
I believe that this is not a knee-jerk reaction nor a passing fancy of the Senator. I believe that he is sincere in his interest and concern for Philippine biodiversity and wildlife. The Senator has proven to be one of the more enlightened minds in the Philippine government. I am immensely pleased that the Senator spotlighted the Mindoro Safari and has called for action against it. The alerting emails I sent to the DENR, the Philippine National Police, and the Governor of Mindoro have all gone unanswered. So, here is the Senator's wonderful speech:
Senate of the Philippines
Privilege SpeechBy Sen. Juan Miguel F. Zubiri
27 February 2008
A Tale of Two Hunters
Mr. President, on a number of occasions I rise on this August Chamber,in defense of the environment and to expose violations of our environmental laws. Today is no different from those instances. I will not cease to stand on this floor as long as our environmental laws continue to be flagrantly violated. I ask our distinguished colleagues to bear with me on this crusade, if only to call everyone's attention, especially the public and the executive branch, which is supposed to zealously implement our laws. And, we too in the legislative can do something, to amend the law, if necessary, or in the exercise of our oversight powers, to look into the culpability or neglect of our law enforcers and executive officials. This humble representation is not only passionate about environmental advocacy, it is a way of life for me.
Bird Massacre
On December 13, 2007 an article in Philippine Daily Inquirer by columnist Juan Mercado tackled the "slaughter of the birds" in several towns in Negros Occidental purportedly by the members of a loose organization called Bacolod Air Rifle Hunting Club. The grisly photos of shot birds displayed on the internet by some members of the Bacolod Air Rifle Hunting Club led to the accidental discovery of this illegal activity by Mr. Josef Sagemuller while surfing the internet insearch of information on birds in the Philippines. He then alerted the Wild Bird Club of the Philippines represented by Mr. Michael Lu and his members present at the gallery today, together with Ambassador David Pine of New Zealand, and some members of the diplomatic corps, who share a passion for conservation. The discovery sparked the drive for 10,000 signatures by the Club to curb this slaughter and call the attention of authorities. The photos displayed hundreds of slaughtered doves, mallards, whistling ducks, snipes and other endemic and endangered species, according to Mr. Lu. In an attempt to cover uptheir illegal deeds, after the photos posted in their website caught the attention of environmentalists, the Bacolod Air Rifle Hunting Club shut down their website.
What is worse is the blatant denial of some of its members that it ever happened, well, a picture speaks a thousand words! And at this point, distinguished colleagues, let me show you some of these gruesome photos of massacred birds which were downloaded before the website was pulled-out. (Play slides.)
So that the authorities would have something to start their investigation with, let me name their group: some members of the Bacolod Air Rifle Club and some members of the Philippine National Shooting Team. A certain Mr. Gino Castandielo was the one who postedthe photos in the internet, one of which shows Ms. Tet Lara, Mike and Jade De Guzman of the Philippine National Shooting Team who had posted their own lame excuse for the compromising photos. These people's names cropped up in their own website, just before they shut it down. Others were even interviewed and admitted to this illegal activity but pleaded that they were not aware of RA 9147 or the Wildlife Resources Conservation and Protection Act. Have they not heard of the legal maxim "ignorance of the law excuses no one?"
What frustrates me the most Mr. President is the inaction ofour DENR officials at this brazen violation of our wildlife laws. I will get to that later on.
Mindoro Safari
In another hunting expedition, this fellow from New York by the nameof Jay T. Carlson is enticing foreign tourists for an exciting and different hunting activity in Mindoro. He is the outfitter for the hunting activities and advertises his hunting expedition in the internet as the Mindoro Safari.
According to reports posted in the website: www.huntingreport. com, The Mindoro Safari is a 12 to 14-day itinerary with 10 hunting days in thefield and for a fee of US$10,500. to US$12,500. The hunt is done totally on foot in the thick jungle of Mt. Halcon in Mindoro with the help of the Mangyans. Mr. Carlson started this hunting expedition in2002 and has pioneered some fascinating hunts for Asian water buffalo and Philippine sambar deer. They also take wild boar and bearded warty pig as hunt trophies. "Clients may take a second buffalo for an additional US$1,200. A fit client should expect to collect two primary species with additional species collected as time allows. Most clients shoot three animals. Hides are prepared for shipment/dipand pack. All paperwork is processed for export," says the report published in April 2005.
Mr. Carlson's first client in 2002 was Hunting Report Honor Roll subscriber Truman Clem, who took an Asiatic water buffalo. According to Mr. Clem, "the hunts are best marketed to the Safari Club International (SCI) hunter/collector who is looking for unique species found nowhere else."
Mr. President, what they romantically call as Asiatic water buffalo isnothing but our hard working domesticated carabao, the poor animal was probably standing by itself or even tied to the ground when it was killed. It may not fall under the CITES list of endangered species but nevertheless, it would violate RA 8485, The Animal Welfare's Act, a law against cruelty to animals.
And if the November 2007 report posted in their website is to be believed, it is still ongoing with a possibility to include in thehunt the 12 to 18 foot crocodiles that have been seen in their hunting grounds.
These crocodiles Mr. President are one of the most endangered freshwater crocodiles in the planet. They are known as Crocodilus Mindorensis and are numbered only in the hundreds left in the wild. If these reports are true, then Mr. President, this fellow should be prosecuted, fined and should serve his sentence in our jails as stipulated in Section 28 of RA 9147. After which, he should be deported as a menace to the environment.
I would like to also ask our Bureau of Immigration to look into Mr.Carlson's immigration status as we have reports that he has over stayed his tourist visa.
Wildlife roles in our ecosystems Birds and wildlife have important roles to play in the chainof life. Decimating their populations would threaten the viabilityof all ecosystems. Birds play a key role for the Philippineenvironment. They eat fruits and disperse the seeds over wide partsof land that are crucial in revitalizing our forests. Some nectar-feeders such as the olive-backed sunbird are important pollinators. Seabirds improve the ecology of small islands by producing large amounts of guano which enriches the island's soil, allowing less adaptable plants to root.
More than 200 Philippine birds, out of 600 resident and migratory species, are included in the World Conservation Union's redlist of critically-endanger ed species. Among them are the Philippine cockatoo, the Negros fruit-dove and the Philippine eagle, considered as the world's largest eagle.
The most unique animal feature of Mindoro must be thetamaraw (Bubalus Mindorensis) , or dwarf water buffalo. The tamaraws are endemic to Mindoro. There were around 10,000 tamaraws in Mindoroin the 1900's. By the 1960's only about 300 had been counted in thewild making it rarer than the black rhinoceros of Africa, China'spanda and the tiger. It was listed as critically-endanger ed in 1970.The latest official count placed their numbers to 263.
The World Conservation Union cites habitat loss from cattle ranching and farming, hunting and diseases as the major threats to thetamaraw's survival.
Another threat to biodiversity conservation Mr. President, are the continuous poaching activities for the pet trade. It still saddens me to find out from my friends that they still see the rare Philippine Cockatoo or Katala or even Mouse Deer being sold at stalls in Cartimar, Arranque Market and other provincial markets were these species are found. Once again, in clear violation of our laws.
Mr. President, I strongly condemn these illegal hunting and poaching activities which could lead to the extinction of many birds and mammal species which are endemic to the Philippines.
I would like to remind these violators of the provisions of RA 9147--- Wildlife Conservation Act, which I had the honor to author in the11th Congress together with the distinguished members of this Chamber, particularly:
Section 27 of Chapter IV on Illegal Acts:
a. killing and destroying wildlife species;
f. collecting, hunting or possessing wildlife, their by-products and derivatives;
Section 28 of Chapter V on Fines and Penalties:
a. imprisonment of a minimum of six (6) years and one (1)day to twelve (12) yeard and/or a fine of One HundredThousand Pesos (P100,000) to One Million Pesos(P1,000,000) , if inflicted or undertaken againstspecies listed as critical.
b. imprisonment of four years (4) and one (1) day to six (6)years and/or a fine of Fifty Thousand Pesos(P50,000) to Five Hundred ThousandPesos (P500,000), if inflicted or undertaken against endangered species
I ask our Committee on Environment to investigate this issue and determine the gross negligence and responsibility of our environment officials, particularly the Regional Directors of these areas and theProtected Areas and Wildlife Bureau Personnel. Why do they allow these illegal and immoral activities to continue? When will they muster the political will to prosecute these people?
I suggest Mr. President that we, together with the environmental groups file cases with the Green Ombudsman Task Force to look at cases involving environment officials who commit gross negligence of their duties and mandates.
I also ask the Philippine Sports Commission, if the members of thePhilippine National Shooting Team mentioned in this privilege speechare still part of the present National Shooting Team to suspend their financial and logistical support to the Philippine National Shooting Team until an investigation is conducted and those responsible havebeen identified. Even before they could bring honor to the country ininternational competitions, they already brought disgrace to our people and to the entire sports community by their illegal hunting activities.
Mr. President, this is not just about conservation. It's about biodiversity, natural heritage, legacy and ecological balance. Instead of putting out life, these poachers should modify their motivations to that of creating life. Instead of seeking gun permits, why not apply for breeding permits and set up wildlife breeding farmsfor conservation, trade and/or scientific purposes.
Mr. President, we must put a stop to these illegal hunting activities that threaten the survival of species which are endemic to the country. We must seriously look into this issue and prosecute those who would be found violating our laws.
In Psalm Chapter 104, Verse 24: "How many are your works Oh Lord! In wisdom you made them all; the earth is full of your beautiful creatures."
And here they are, ladies and gentlemen, destroying God's beautiful creation.
Thank you.

I believe that this is not a knee-jerk reaction nor a passing fancy of the Senator. I believe that he is sincere in his interest and concern for Philippine biodiversity and wildlife. The Senator has proven to be one of the more enlightened minds in the Philippine government. I am immensely pleased that the Senator spotlighted the Mindoro Safari and has called for action against it. The alerting emails I sent to the DENR, the Philippine National Police, and the Governor of Mindoro have all gone unanswered. So, here is the Senator's wonderful speech:
Senate of the Philippines
Privilege SpeechBy Sen. Juan Miguel F. Zubiri
27 February 2008
A Tale of Two Hunters
Mr. President, on a number of occasions I rise on this August Chamber,in defense of the environment and to expose violations of our environmental laws. Today is no different from those instances. I will not cease to stand on this floor as long as our environmental laws continue to be flagrantly violated. I ask our distinguished colleagues to bear with me on this crusade, if only to call everyone's attention, especially the public and the executive branch, which is supposed to zealously implement our laws. And, we too in the legislative can do something, to amend the law, if necessary, or in the exercise of our oversight powers, to look into the culpability or neglect of our law enforcers and executive officials. This humble representation is not only passionate about environmental advocacy, it is a way of life for me.

On December 13, 2007 an article in Philippine Daily Inquirer by columnist Juan Mercado tackled the "slaughter of the birds" in several towns in Negros Occidental purportedly by the members of a loose organization called Bacolod Air Rifle Hunting Club. The grisly photos of shot birds displayed on the internet by some members of the Bacolod Air Rifle Hunting Club led to the accidental discovery of this illegal activity by Mr. Josef Sagemuller while surfing the internet insearch of information on birds in the Philippines. He then alerted the Wild Bird Club of the Philippines represented by Mr. Michael Lu and his members present at the gallery today, together with Ambassador David Pine of New Zealand, and some members of the diplomatic corps, who share a passion for conservation. The discovery sparked the drive for 10,000 signatures by the Club to curb this slaughter and call the attention of authorities. The photos displayed hundreds of slaughtered doves, mallards, whistling ducks, snipes and other endemic and endangered species, according to Mr. Lu. In an attempt to cover uptheir illegal deeds, after the photos posted in their website caught the attention of environmentalists, the Bacolod Air Rifle Hunting Club shut down their website.
What is worse is the blatant denial of some of its members that it ever happened, well, a picture speaks a thousand words! And at this point, distinguished colleagues, let me show you some of these gruesome photos of massacred birds which were downloaded before the website was pulled-out. (Play slides.)
So that the authorities would have something to start their investigation with, let me name their group: some members of the Bacolod Air Rifle Club and some members of the Philippine National Shooting Team. A certain Mr. Gino Castandielo was the one who postedthe photos in the internet, one of which shows Ms. Tet Lara, Mike and Jade De Guzman of the Philippine National Shooting Team who had posted their own lame excuse for the compromising photos. These people's names cropped up in their own website, just before they shut it down. Others were even interviewed and admitted to this illegal activity but pleaded that they were not aware of RA 9147 or the Wildlife Resources Conservation and Protection Act. Have they not heard of the legal maxim "ignorance of the law excuses no one?"
What frustrates me the most Mr. President is the inaction ofour DENR officials at this brazen violation of our wildlife laws. I will get to that later on.
Mindoro Safari
In another hunting expedition, this fellow from New York by the nameof Jay T. Carlson is enticing foreign tourists for an exciting and different hunting activity in Mindoro. He is the outfitter for the hunting activities and advertises his hunting expedition in the internet as the Mindoro Safari.
According to reports posted in the website: www.huntingreport. com, The Mindoro Safari is a 12 to 14-day itinerary with 10 hunting days in thefield and for a fee of US$10,500. to US$12,500. The hunt is done totally on foot in the thick jungle of Mt. Halcon in Mindoro with the help of the Mangyans. Mr. Carlson started this hunting expedition in2002 and has pioneered some fascinating hunts for Asian water buffalo and Philippine sambar deer. They also take wild boar and bearded warty pig as hunt trophies. "Clients may take a second buffalo for an additional US$1,200. A fit client should expect to collect two primary species with additional species collected as time allows. Most clients shoot three animals. Hides are prepared for shipment/dipand pack. All paperwork is processed for export," says the report published in April 2005.
Mr. Carlson's first client in 2002 was Hunting Report Honor Roll subscriber Truman Clem, who took an Asiatic water buffalo. According to Mr. Clem, "the hunts are best marketed to the Safari Club International (SCI) hunter/collector who is looking for unique species found nowhere else."
Mr. President, what they romantically call as Asiatic water buffalo isnothing but our hard working domesticated carabao, the poor animal was probably standing by itself or even tied to the ground when it was killed. It may not fall under the CITES list of endangered species but nevertheless, it would violate RA 8485, The Animal Welfare's Act, a law against cruelty to animals.
And if the November 2007 report posted in their website is to be believed, it is still ongoing with a possibility to include in thehunt the 12 to 18 foot crocodiles that have been seen in their hunting grounds.
These crocodiles Mr. President are one of the most endangered freshwater crocodiles in the planet. They are known as Crocodilus Mindorensis and are numbered only in the hundreds left in the wild. If these reports are true, then Mr. President, this fellow should be prosecuted, fined and should serve his sentence in our jails as stipulated in Section 28 of RA 9147. After which, he should be deported as a menace to the environment.
I would like to also ask our Bureau of Immigration to look into Mr.Carlson's immigration status as we have reports that he has over stayed his tourist visa.
Wildlife roles in our ecosystems Birds and wildlife have important roles to play in the chainof life. Decimating their populations would threaten the viabilityof all ecosystems. Birds play a key role for the Philippineenvironment. They eat fruits and disperse the seeds over wide partsof land that are crucial in revitalizing our forests. Some nectar-feeders such as the olive-backed sunbird are important pollinators. Seabirds improve the ecology of small islands by producing large amounts of guano which enriches the island's soil, allowing less adaptable plants to root.
More than 200 Philippine birds, out of 600 resident and migratory species, are included in the World Conservation Union's redlist of critically-endanger ed species. Among them are the Philippine cockatoo, the Negros fruit-dove and the Philippine eagle, considered as the world's largest eagle.
The most unique animal feature of Mindoro must be thetamaraw (Bubalus Mindorensis) , or dwarf water buffalo. The tamaraws are endemic to Mindoro. There were around 10,000 tamaraws in Mindoroin the 1900's. By the 1960's only about 300 had been counted in thewild making it rarer than the black rhinoceros of Africa, China'spanda and the tiger. It was listed as critically-endanger ed in 1970.The latest official count placed their numbers to 263.
The World Conservation Union cites habitat loss from cattle ranching and farming, hunting and diseases as the major threats to thetamaraw's survival.
Another threat to biodiversity conservation Mr. President, are the continuous poaching activities for the pet trade. It still saddens me to find out from my friends that they still see the rare Philippine Cockatoo or Katala or even Mouse Deer being sold at stalls in Cartimar, Arranque Market and other provincial markets were these species are found. Once again, in clear violation of our laws.
Mr. President, I strongly condemn these illegal hunting and poaching activities which could lead to the extinction of many birds and mammal species which are endemic to the Philippines.
I would like to remind these violators of the provisions of RA 9147--- Wildlife Conservation Act, which I had the honor to author in the11th Congress together with the distinguished members of this Chamber, particularly:
Section 27 of Chapter IV on Illegal Acts:
a. killing and destroying wildlife species;
f. collecting, hunting or possessing wildlife, their by-products and derivatives;
Section 28 of Chapter V on Fines and Penalties:
a. imprisonment of a minimum of six (6) years and one (1)day to twelve (12) yeard and/or a fine of One HundredThousand Pesos (P100,000) to One Million Pesos(P1,000,000) , if inflicted or undertaken againstspecies listed as critical.
b. imprisonment of four years (4) and one (1) day to six (6)years and/or a fine of Fifty Thousand Pesos(P50,000) to Five Hundred ThousandPesos (P500,000), if inflicted or undertaken against endangered species
I ask our Committee on Environment to investigate this issue and determine the gross negligence and responsibility of our environment officials, particularly the Regional Directors of these areas and theProtected Areas and Wildlife Bureau Personnel. Why do they allow these illegal and immoral activities to continue? When will they muster the political will to prosecute these people?
I suggest Mr. President that we, together with the environmental groups file cases with the Green Ombudsman Task Force to look at cases involving environment officials who commit gross negligence of their duties and mandates.
I also ask the Philippine Sports Commission, if the members of thePhilippine National Shooting Team mentioned in this privilege speechare still part of the present National Shooting Team to suspend their financial and logistical support to the Philippine National Shooting Team until an investigation is conducted and those responsible havebeen identified. Even before they could bring honor to the country ininternational competitions, they already brought disgrace to our people and to the entire sports community by their illegal hunting activities.
Mr. President, this is not just about conservation. It's about biodiversity, natural heritage, legacy and ecological balance. Instead of putting out life, these poachers should modify their motivations to that of creating life. Instead of seeking gun permits, why not apply for breeding permits and set up wildlife breeding farmsfor conservation, trade and/or scientific purposes.
Mr. President, we must put a stop to these illegal hunting activities that threaten the survival of species which are endemic to the country. We must seriously look into this issue and prosecute those who would be found violating our laws.
In Psalm Chapter 104, Verse 24: "How many are your works Oh Lord! In wisdom you made them all; the earth is full of your beautiful creatures."
And here they are, ladies and gentlemen, destroying God's beautiful creation.
Thank you.