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New Jersey. Meatless Diet. Path to Better Health and Animal Welfare.

The Animal Protection League of New Jersey (APLNJ) has sent out an invitation to those who have yet to make a lifestyle change for the better. We're talking meatless diet that is surely to improve your health and say NO to animal cruelty at the same time. This is a free presentation by Food For Life, a community health outreach program, to be held at Organic Style, 621 Cookman avenue, Asbury Park, New Jersey 07712. Time and date are October 27, 2009 at 7pm. They will discuss the four food groups : fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes. Yum, that made me crave for some. You can learn about their nutritional value and health benefits plus mouth-watering recipes. Food-tasting will top the evening off like the cherry on other people's sundae. Please call Nancy Ehrlich at 732-775-1051 for reservations. Space is limited.

If there is something I can kick myself in the rear for, that would be for being tardy in making this dietary change. I am only on my third year of a meatless lifestyle, but my weight has lessened and my blood tests have become much better than before. It's like coming face to face with yourself about your past and asking, " Why did I do that to you? Why did I not realize that I was feeding you life-shortening garbage? " There is so much good food out there and there isn't anyone stopping you from having them. What's the point about sticking with hamburgers, steaks, meatballs, beef stews, pork loins, and hotdogs? As I have asked so many times before, why eat the body parts of dead animals? Go Vegetarian.


air said…
Although not quite there yet, I definately feel a lot better when I stick to a vegan diet. I don't get heartburn, and my *digestive tract* doesn't freeze up and scream in agony. And yes, your lipid count drops to the safe level. I love cheddar veggie cheese and morningstar veggie corn dogs.

You know, if you cook up a morningstar veggie burger, with the veggie cheese, minced onions, ketchup, mustard, and pickles and feed 'em to kids, the kids yell "Oh boy, "McDonalds!!!!"
Ted Teodoro said…
Yeah, veggie burgers need to be all doped up to get close to being a tasty meal. I still have to find that veggie burger that I would like to come back to. Lacing veggie burgers will hot sauce helps me enjoy them. If you ever see me at the grocery counter with bologna in my basket, please remember that it's for my dog!
air said…
Haha...I buy BIG FAT JUICY STEAKS -For the dog.

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